Dazzling Spectacles of Light

As we begin to share the good news of God’s miracle working power, it starts almost as an Infinitesimal part in an overture’s composition. However as the the piece progresses, at various intervals, a crescendo upward in demonstrations is seen. And an expectancy is aroused, as all through the crowds, glorious praises irrupt. Cructhes and …

Receding From Darkness

As the Light of the gospel shines brighter and brighter; (through those in the body of Christ who have pressed into God’s Love, ) millions are being impacted. Don’t look in the natural as you read these words. Look into this spirit of the word. You will see the longing for the light of truth …

Journeying Upward

Have you ever watched men and women climb Mt Kilimanjaro? I have. I have watched the determination of those who seemed to be fearless. They’ve taken cameras on their headsets, and one can watch the trek as it progresses. In some of the sections, everyone appears jolly. Then other sections, a seriousness comes across the …

A Seed needs Your Help

It can’t produce a harvest without your help. If it sits in its package, and is not taken out, though life may lie deep within, it remains a seed no use to men. But if it’s taken out and planted correctly, and cared for as a farmer would respectfully, and if weeds do appear, and …

Love Never Waits

Whilst in the service of the King, see your mandate as, supreme. Okay, that’s a little firm, let me be just a little lighter. If your not careful, images will arise that try to take control of your eyes. In other words, “what’s the use!” An American phrase meaning I don’t see any results! “All …

Roaring With Power

Extremely powerful words, are words which come forth from the heart. That’s why it takes time to change the production of the heart. You must work at it diligently day in and day out. Meditating God’s word makes the shift. That’s how you change the production of failure to victory. That’s how you change the …

“You Are The Apple Of My Eye”

Once you have given your heart to Jesus, you become “the apple of God’s eye.” He’s so thrilled with you. He has so much to show you, so much to teach you, so much to say to you, but first he desires and requires that you feed upon His word to nourish your heart. Wow! …

The Family Of God

When you see your brother or sister what is your estimation of him or her? Sometimes familiarity breeds contempt. Sometimes prejudices surface and stand out. God has a remedy for these of things. . We are too see them as He see’s them. That’s why it’s soooo important to get your mind renewed to the …

He Is The Same

He is the same and His years never change. That is our hope, our faith, our joy. For if he would change one iota, we’d have reason to believe, that some are part of His doctrine could not be depended upon. Oh Hallelujah! God be praised! He never deviates, He’s always the same. Always dependable, …

Still Standing

The Words Of Our Lord, that seem rather harsh, were spoken in order that there would be no misunderstanding on the subject. God is a God of love, thus with everything within Him, He sent his Son into the world. He sent Him to accurately lay down what it takes to have “His Salvation” in …