Conversation With God

Man ,“ I prayed, and it’s not working out, it’s getting worse.” God, “Who told you that?”  Man, “I guess it was the devil.” God, “ I thought you resisted him, he wasn’t even there. That’s your own carnal mind speaking up to you.” Man, “ Oh, what do I do?” God, “Say only what I …

For Laughing Out Loud

You know, sometimes if we would just turn some of the phrases that we speak around, it would deescalate the pressure attempting to throw us off. Many people have not realized the power released in their words. The scriptures tell us that death and life are in the power of the tongue, Proverbs 18:21. When …

The Father Of Fathers

The Blessings, The Blessings The Joy and that is True, The Grace and the Mercy That Cometh From You. The Comfort, Comfort The Strength, we have Gained, have been showered on us through Power of Your Name. The Infusion Of Life, and that more Abundantly Lavished on us, were set Eternally! I Like to Bring …

Strange Sightings

Strange Sightings “Is that a Angel!” People are seeing them. Agents of God, traversing the land, scoping out opportunities to delivering man. Men who have called upon the Lord for help, are being escorted to safety in a way, that makes your hair stand on end. When in need, don’t be quiet, the Lord will …

Got Questions?

He got the answers. You don’t have to start out on your missionary journey in the dark. He will give you specific, distinct, (with all the particulars involved for you work) . And I put a capital emphasis on Him giving you guidance. If you allow him at every junction in the road to give …

That Man’s a Genius!

How is it that every, project, every endeavor, everything placed under his hands is soooo successful? This is the way they will talk about you when your operating with the mind of Christ. Consider this for a moment. When you asked Jesus to come into your heart, he has access to your mind at the …

Loving and Laughing

They both go together. When your in love with someone, truly, deeply. Your able to let your hair hang down and you can be yourself; enjoy the things in a lighter fashion. Tensions and guards come coursing down. There’s no fear of evil interaction. That’s the way it is with your Heavenly Father. When you …

The image You Capture

Its one thing to read about the blessings of the Lord, and another all together different in capturing the image that his blessings portray, in on the back drop of your mind. When one takes a picture, the more they look at it, the more the features come out. So we must capture the word …

Welcome Welcome Welcome

Timing, timing is of the utmost importance as we move into this final chapter of the book of this life. Between its pages have been written, wonderful things, but also things that must be made right. Let’s let the Spirit of Love Fill the final pages in the book. Seriously, in order to make a …